1969 Chevrolet Dealer Full Line Promo Film

Watch a 1969 Chevrolet Dealer Full Line Promo Film.

A film to introduce the dealers to the new features and options of the 1969 Chevrolet full line of cars.


Posted on YouTube By: CamaroResearchGroup


Video Transcript


The 1960s, soon they’ll be history, fast-paced, new worlds explore, new ways to look at ourselves Life opened up and Chevrolet led the way with changing.
Changes that keep Chevrolet number one.the most popular automobile in the world.

And in 1969 to cap off a decade of change Chevrolet offers new dimensions in automotive excellence.

As you open up for 1969

1969 Chevrolet Communication Film

1969 Chevrolet Communication Film


As you open up for 1969. Let’s preview some important new across the board and specific features built into the entire Chevrolet’s 69 lineup.
automotive excellence is symbolized by the Chevrolet golden chassis. Built on the best frame in the industry. Your golden opportunity to show off 1969 Chevrolet quality.

The 1969 Chevrolet Golden Chassis

1969 Chevrolet Golden Chassis

Golden Chassis

For instance, the 1969 Chevrolet chassis features computer-selected springs individually tailored to every combination of engine option, transmission option, and equipment option combinations. Which can account for up to 300 pounds variation in vehicle weight.

The 69 Chevrolet’s more uniform curb height and ground clearance mean consistent driving characteristics, precise steering response with any equipment. Quiet and rocksteady.

The 69 golden chassis provides smoother transmission of power to the rear axle through improved prop-shaft dampening and stronger more durable universal joints.

Open the hood on a 69. You’ll find Chevrolet’s new approach to mounting belt-driven engine accessories on their justly famed series of V8.
“The best v8 engines in the business”

To reduce vibration and significantly improve durability and operational quietness the alternator, power steering pump, air injector pump, or air conditioning compressor have been relocated. Clustered closely around the crankshaft pulley and mounted with stronger brackets and braces. Drive belts are shorter producing less belt width to last longer.

To drive it all, new engines for all lines except Corvair. More regular fuel V8s, stronger construction, and added horsepower. Quieter sixes with a newly designed air cleaner intake. Engines like the all-new 350 cubic inch 255 horsepower v8. Available for all lines except for Corvair and Corvette

High horsepower and it uses regular fuel. More strength in many of the v8 with thicker crankshaft bulkheads and deeper main bearing caps. Engine improvements are covered in greater detail in communication films covering specific car lines.

And you offer the biggest selection of transmissions going. Three and four-speed manuals, two and three-speed automatics.
“ they’re all here for 1969”

Now you have a three-speed automatic for all L-6 and V8 engines and you still have the time proved two-speed Powerglide.

They are all part of the 1969 Chevrolet golden chassis which includes the best frame in the industry. New stronger engines, quieter drivetrain, 3-speed automatic for all L-6s and V8s. New accessory mounting system.

What’s it all add up to?
The 1969 Chevrolet sound of silence.

1969 Chevrolet All-new open up styling

1969 Chevrolet Impala and Camaro

1969 Chevrolet Impala and Camaro

For 1969, creative styling refinements for Chevelle, Nova, Corvair, and Corvette. And, all-new open up styling and appearance for the regular size Chevrolet and Camaro. Specific styling details are covered in your communication films Devoted to each car line.

Here are some highlights. Polymeric hydrocarbon grills resist minor damage, can’t rust, last longer, and allow greater styling freedom. Coordinated rear windows and roof lines add new style and sophistication on the Caprice an Impala.

Refined Astro ventilation, full door glass styling standard on all big Chevrolet’s including wagons, Chevelle sport coupes, and convertibles Camaros and Corvettes all models except wagons have pressure relief valves to assist airflow.

The world-famous Body By Fisher with steel cargo guard barrier between the rear seat and trunk for Chevrolet Chevelle, Nova, plus all the famous fisher body features. Lending Chevrolet extra
years of service life and high resale value.

With rust preventing all primed welded all-steel construction, inner fender skirts, flush and dry rocker panels, a new oval to spoke steering wheel design, and new important safety features. Larger stronger windshield pillars, new double section rear roof side panels for hardtops. Extra beam protection under the door pillars.

New header skid panel in all Chevrolet, Chevelle, Nova, and Camaro models except convertibles. Reduced possibilities of head injury. Smooth out the area where the windshield meets the roof.


1969 Chevrolet all-new anti-theft steering column-mounted lock system

1969 Chevrolet Steering Column

1969 Chevrolet Steering Column

Another advanced GM developed design. An all-new anti-theft steering column-mounted lock system on all cars except Corvair. A turn of the new larger key, locks the ignition, steering wheel, and transmission. The key can be removed only when the shift lever is in park on automatics and in reverse on manual transmissions.

The column itself is a second-generation energy-absorbing collapsible steering column with a new
deforming ball and sleeve design.

And while we’re on the subject of safety. Other new features for 1969, our standard head restraints, wider rearview mirrors, both inside and out in some cases the inside mirrors are almost 1 foot wide.
Front door lock buttons on two-door models are moved forward more. Out of reach of children in the backseat and more convenient to front-seat occupants.

More standard items and options for customer’s safety and convenience. Headlamp washers for low beams effective in removing road grime and salt are standard on all hidden headlights. Optional on others.

When the going gets slippery, there’s an actual remote-control liquid tire chain spray
and dispenser to help get underway on icy surfaces. The electro clear rear window defroster electrically heats back glass provides more uniform defragging on Caprice, and Impala Custom Coupe

A newly refined variable-ratio power steering option improves maneuverability. For convenience on the 1969 Chevrolet walking wagons a new two-way tailgate. Opens wide from top or side and takes the lead with sophisticated engineering innovation extra strong hinges. No protruding hinges or handles for an uncluttered design.

Again Chevrolet puts the customer first with a convenient built-in rear bumper step which makes it possible along with the wagons sloped rear-end design to enter and exit standing.

Inside, heater controls position for easier operation and new sliding windshield wiper and button washer controls.

Luxurious new Chevrolet interiors. Ranging from plush nylon knits and brocades for Caprice, to dashing Houndstooth Check for Camaro. there is a Chevrolet interior to turn on every one of your prospects.

Let’s review. 1969 Chevrolet features include the Chevrolet golden chassis the best frame in the industry, computer-selected springs, stronger driveline components, a totally new approach to accessory mounting.

New engines and transmissions for every line except Corvair. Quieter 6s, new regular fuel v8’s, stronger V8s. Three-speed automatic for all L-6s and V8’s,

1969 Completely new styling


Completely new styling for all full-sized models. Starting refinements across the lineup. New important safety features, anti-theft steering column, cargo guard, header skid panel, advanced energy-absorbing steering column, standard head restraints, wider mirrors, repositioned door lock buttons.

New convenience features. Headlamp washer, liquid tire chain spray, and dispenser. Electro clear rear window defroster, a variable-ratio power steering, and a new two-way tailgate for wagons. All new luxurious fabrics and fabric designs. Those are just a few of the 1969 Chevrolet highlights. You’ll see more in films discussing specific lines. 1969 is your year to widen your sales horizons. The times you’ll open up for 1969.


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